Career Insights

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Career Insights

Taking Advantage of Summer Experiences

Jun 1, 2024

Taking on an internship, job or volunteer opportunity this summer? This endeavor can be challenging but very rewarding. Here are ways to leverage your skills as a DECA member to make the most out of your break.

Career Insights

Making the Most of Your Summer Internship

May 15, 2024

Summer internships are not just about earning a paycheck or padding your resume; they're an opportunity to learn, grow, and pave the way for your future career. But how do you make the most of these brief months?

Career Insights

The Secret to Success in DECA and Beyond

Apr 1, 2024

Never want to be stuck on a problem again? We got you. Learn a powerful method to crush any problem - from DECA, to admissions, to academics, to sports and even everyday life.

Career Insights

Financial Literacy 101: It’s Never Too Early to Start

Apr 1, 2024

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, financial literacy is a prerequisite for success and stability. High school students who prioritize developing this skill set early on position themselves for a future marked by financial independence and security. Read how you can set yourself up for financial success early here.

Career Insights

How the Metaverse is Driving the Next Generation of Retail Workforce Development

Mar 15, 2024

Considering all the innovative technologies out there, how do businesses narrow in on a specific problem and a specific solution that solves that exact problem? Read on to discover how the Metaverse is narrowing in.

Career Insights

Unwrapping the Power of Packaging: How Packaging Makes or Breaks Branding

Mar 1, 2024

Ever wonder how packaging impacts the way products are marketed? Read this article to dive into the world of packaging and uncover Its impact on your shopping journey!

Career Insights

Super Bowl: Beyond the Stadium

Feb 5, 2024

Regardless of whether you have a ticket to the game or not, the Super Bowl is so much more than 60 minutes of football and a half-time show. It is a whole week, allowing fans to experience incredible events in new, fun travel destinations.

Career Insights

How Streaming Platforms Score Big in Super Bowl Monetization

Feb 1, 2024

With the new age of unlimited streaming services, the Super Bowl from your couch is like never before. Keep reading to look at the innovative ways streaming platforms capitalize on the biggest game of the year.

Career Insights

Ace Your Interview

Feb 1, 2024

Are you thinking about getting a summer internship or job? Follow these tips to ace your interview and kickstart your career!

Career Insights

7 Retail Industry Predictions for 2024

Jan 24, 2024

Artificial intelligence’s influence continues to grow, consumers demand sustainable actions and the customer experience remains more important than ever.

Career Insights

Powering Up for The New Year

Jan 1, 2024

Acquiring power skills can alter the trajectory of your high school years and your subsequent collegiate experience and professional life. Prepare to enter your ‘power’ era—by honing the skills to get there.

Career Insights

10 Trends to Watch in 2024

Dec 15, 2023

DECA members always look for ways to learn more throughout their DECA experience. As we enter the 2024 calendar year, dive into the projected top trends that companies and consumers think will take the world by storm.

Career Insights

Cracking the Code on Black Friday Marketing Strategies

Nov 1, 2023

One of the biggest holiday sales is coming up, but what makes it such a big event and even an American tradition? The key is all in how it’s marketed. Explore some of the top marketing strategies for Black Friday and explore how you can apply them to your brand.

Career Insights

Entrepreneurship Advice From DECA Members

Nov 1, 2023

Entrepreneurship is a lifelong goal for some people, and DECA members work to tackle that and make their dreams a reality. Look at what some members are doing to reach their goals!

Career Insights

Elevate Your DECA Journey: Mastering the Art of LinkedIn

Nov 1, 2023

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for DECA members to elevate their professional journey. By following these best practices and networking strategies, you'll be well on your way to success within DECA and beyond.

Career Insights

Workplace Skills for Success

Nov 1, 2023

Unlock your path to success in the dynamic job market by discovering 7 emerging workplace skills you need to stay ahead of the competition. This article guides you to becoming the ideal candidate in a rapidly evolving professional landscape.

Career Insights

Exploring Non-Profit Careers

Nov 1, 2023

In this article, Cassidy Creighton, the Development Coordinator with NPCF, explains her college experience, navigating the job market and her first career in the non-profit sector.

Career Insights

Size Up Your Future Employer to Boost Your Career Opportunities

Oct 15, 2023

Finding a match with a prospective employer is complicated and takes time. Job seekers will want to prioritize organizations that invest in their employees and provide professional development opportunities, mentorship and other benefits!

Career Insights

Your Ultimate Guide to Career Fair Success

Oct 1, 2023

Nervous about attending your university’s career fair this year and landing an internship or job? Here are the 6 Key Steps to preparing for Career Fair success and landing endless opportunities with the companies you meet!

Career Insights

NRF Opportunities for Collegiate DECA Members

Sep 18, 2023

Prepare for your retail career with the National Retail Federation Foundation with these virtual events and scholarship opportunities.

Career Insights

Increase Sales and Cultivate Customers with a Successful Marketing Campaign

Aug 15, 2023

In today's fast-paced and highly competitive business landscape, a successful marketing campaign can boost brand awareness, generate leads, increase sales and cultivate a loyal customer base. However, achieving such success requires careful planning, strategic thinking and a deep understanding of your target audience.

Career Insights

4 Ways to Use Collegiate DECA in Your Job Search

Jun 5, 2023

Collegiate DECA can be a powerful tool for building your skills and experience and for making valuable connections with industry leaders. By using your experience, you'll give yourself a competitive advantage and set yourself up for long-term success in the business world.

Career Insights

6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Summer Jobs and Internships

Jun 5, 2023

Summer is a great way to prepare for your future! In this article, check out six key strategies to keep in mind if you're looking to maximize the benefits of your summer jobs and internships.

Career Insights

The Value of Summer Employment

May 15, 2023

There are many valuable takeaways from summer employment. Summer jobs can reinforce your soft skills, build your comfort zone and lead to expanding your professional network.