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Pioneering Leadership: Ava Stacker's Trailblazing Role as GA DECA's VP of Marketing

Jul 5, 2024

Ava Stacker is the first student of South Fulton DECA to hold the VP of Marketing position on GA DECA's Executive Officer Team. This remarkable achievement highlights Ava’s outstanding leadership skills sets an inspiring example for aspiring young leaders across the state.


Preparing, Strengthening the Future’s Professionals

Jun 14, 2024

Jackson Albee and Sadie Steinbach, two Wausau West DECA members, recently found themselves in the spotlight – taking home first place in the School-Based Enterprise category at DECA ICDC in Anaheim, California.


Experiencing the Difference at DECA ICDC with Marjory Stoneman Douglas DECA

May 15, 2024

Starting with a tour of Los Angeles and ending with winning first and fifth places, Marjory Stoneman Douglas DECA experienced the difference at the 2024 DECA International Career Development Conference!


Cape Henlopen DECA Hits Jackpot with Game Show

Mar 11, 2024

The Cape Henlopen DECA Officers worked diligently for the past nine months to create a fundraising game show experience like “The Price is Right!” The fundraising expectations were far exceeded as they raised money for DECA ICDC.


Raising Voices for DECA: Legislative Advocacy

Feb 14, 2024

Washington DECA state officers kicked off CTE month with our annual Legislative Advocacy Day. We visited Washington’s state capitol in Olympia to advocate for DECA alongside state officers from seven other CTSOs.


That is SO Fetch with Georgia DECA

Jan 17, 2024

Throughout your life, there will always be Mean Girls. Use this interactive and engaging workshop by the Georgia DECA team to teach members how to deal with the Reginas, the Karens, and the ins and outs of conflict resolution, all while maintaining a positive personal brand.


Using Your DECA Chapter to Spread Awareness

Jan 17, 2024

Learn about new and interesting ways to involve your DECA chapter in creative and inspiring community awareness efforts through Cypress Bay's Community Awareness Project, Project HOPE!


Skillful Solutions

Jan 16, 2024

This video will teach the skills shown to be most needed when entering the workforce: Soft Skills. Find out what they are and why they matter and learn tips for the workplace, for school and for life.


From DECA Challenge to Changemakers: Angels Among Us

Jan 11, 2024

Inspired by a DECA challenge, a group of Lebanon Trail DECA students transformed their marketing skills into a force for good, founding 'Angels Among Us.' Fueled by a passion to make a difference, these young changemakers are creating waves of change in the DECA community.


Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age

Jan 10, 2024

It's no surprise that new technologies have impacted the course of entrepreneurship and various start-up businesses. The digital age has forever changed how entrepreneurship is approached.


Interview With an IT CEO

Jan 2, 2024

Sagar Pelaprolu has spent the last two decades here as an entrepreneur. He has launched several successful businesses, from manufacturing to IT, with his latest endeavor being Sage IT. In this interview, I talked with Sagar to learn more about his career journey, tips for success and future goals.


Community Involvement During the Holiday Season

Dec 26, 2023

One of the best things to do during the holiday season is to help others in your community. See how Edmond North DECA organizes a school-wide project that helps families during the holiday season every year.


What Does it Mean to BE THE ONE?

Jul 1, 2024

Every DECA theme has a hidden meaning that inspires emerging leaders worldwide. How can we dissect this year’s theme, BE THE ONE? What does it mean, and what mindset should we use to proceed with this upcoming year?


Pride Month with Jewel Shier

Jun 1, 2024

Pride Month presents us with an invaluable opportunity to showcase inclusivity further and demonstrate support for our LGBTQ+ members and allies in the community. Here is the story of one of our members.


Testing Tips for Collegiate DECA Competitive Success

Feb 16, 2024

Collegiate DECA competitive event testing can be difficult. With so many questions in so little time, here are some tips and tricks to approach exam practice and CDECA ICDC testing.


The Nuances of Networking: A Conversation with Mr. Thom Coats

Feb 16, 2024

Maximize your networking potential with Professor Thom Coats' three-step approach: meet, converse and follow up. From polished LinkedIn profiles to shared meals, embrace continuous connection beyond conferences for lasting professional success.


Enhancing Community Engagement

Feb 15, 2024

This article emphasizes how members can become more involved in the community. This includes partnering locally, organizing community service projects and collaborating with other student organizations.


Tips for Creating Goals

Feb 15, 2024

Setting and achieving goals can be difficult and requires consistency, determination and a willingness to return from failure. Whether you want to learn to cook or start a business, creating goals is necessary.


Three Underrated Powers of Mentorship

Feb 14, 2024

Mentorship is a valuable tool, but many of its benefits are often overlooked. Arizona Collegiate DECA runs a mentorship program annually, and these are some of our biggest takeaways.


5 Study Tips for College Students

Feb 14, 2024

Finding effective studying strategies is key to helping you succeed in your classes and make the most of your college experience. Finding your perfect study space, effective notes, flashcards, study groups and practice tests are five things you can do to improve studying outcomes.


Creating A Sense of Community In Your Association

Feb 13, 2024

Arizona Collegiate DECA has focused on engagement and retention this academic year. We were able to increase our attendance at every association conference this year. Learn how we built our community in this article.


UW-Whitewater DECA Prepares for Competition with Canva Workshop and Challenge

Feb 12, 2024

UW-Whitewater DECA sharpened its competitive edge with a 2-week Canva workshop and competition. Members learned design skills to create impactful presentations, which is vital for DECA success.


GCU Collegiate DECA Walks to End Epilepsy

Jan 31, 2024

Collegiate DECA GCU has historically participated in many charitable fundraisers and activities. We specifically target community service activities that support causes that affect our members and causes in which our members have a philanthropic interest.


DECA from a Law School Prospect

Jan 30, 2024

Although my trajectory does not lead me toward the traditional business landscape, I am grateful for the skills that DECA has helped me unearth and cultivate in preparation for my legal future.