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Establishing Local Partnerships with Men’s Wearhouse
Establishing local partnerships provides DECA members with valuable learning experiences, access to resources and opportunities for community engagement. In this article, Judy Busocker from Men's Wearhouse discusses her partnership experience with DECA.

Participate in the Non-Competitive Stock Market Game Session
The SIFMA Foundation is offering a non-competitive DECA Stock Market Game running February 10 - April 18, 2025. This is a great opportunity for students to test out the simulation and prepare for the Fall's Stock Market Game ICDC qualifier.

DECA and IBM SkillsBuild Partnership: Preparing Future-Ready Students
Bring next level learning to your classroom with the IBM SkillsBuild Program! Extend your classroom curriculum with self-paced, online project management, AI, and workplace skills training delivered directly by business professionals to your students.

Celebrate Entrepreneurship Month with Intuit for Education
Unlock your members’ entrepreneurial success! Celebrate entrepreneurship with real-world skills and first-hand learning for your students with Intuit's Entrepreneurial Finance curriculum.

DECA Announces National Advisory Board Partnership with Stukent
DECA is excited to welcome Stukent as one of its newest National Advisory Board partners. Stukent shares DECA’s passion for empowering the next generation of leaders and is committed to providing members with innovative resources that enhance their educational experience.

DECA Announces a New Partnership with Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers
DECA is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers! The partnership will focus on connecting local restaurants with DECA chapter advisors, DECA members and chartered associations.

Adobe + DECA Unlock Creative Career Pathways for Next-generation Talent
Through the partnership with Adobe, DECA members will learn creative and AI skills that will help them get ahead, and stay ahead, in today's job market. Adobe's new initiative helps DECA members build a competitive resume and learn the skills they need.

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 48th Semi-Annual Survey
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 48th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences among more than 13.5K teens across the U.S., with an average age of 15.8.

#DECAATTProject 2023-2024: Impactful Mentorship Opportunities
Through a decade-long collaboration with AT&T, the #DECAATTProject continues to prepare students for life after high school by providing AT&T mentors and college and career readiness experiences.

Financial Education Opportunity: Jump$tart National Educator Conference
Teach Personal Financial Literacy? Looking for a professional development opportunity? Join Jump$tart for their National Educator Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, next November 2-4, 2024.

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 47th Semi-Annual Survey
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 47th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 6,020 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 16.1 years.

DECA Recognizes National Advisory Board Partners for Their Longtime Support
Congratulations to these outstanding National Advisory Board partners for reaching new milestones of service to DECA.

DECA Recognizes National Advisory Board Partners for Their Longtime Support
Congratulations to these outstanding National Advisory Board partners for reaching new milestones of service to DECA.

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 45th Semi-Annual Survey
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 45th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 5,600 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 16.2 years.

Taking Stock with Teens | Fall 2022 Insights
Edward Yruma, Managing Director and Senior Researcher, and Abbie Zvejnieks, Research Analyst, with Piper Sandler highlight insights from the most recent Gen Z research study.

The Gray Zone: Resources to Foster Ethical Decision-Making Skills
Welcome to The Gray Zone—that hazy, murky space between black and white, right and wrong. MBA Research offers multiple opportunities to help your students understand that the business world includes many shades of gray. Enhance your instruction using our classic case studies, interactive video series, or both!

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 44th Semi-Annual Survey of 14,500 U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 44th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 14,500 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 15.8 years.

DECA Announces a New Partnership with Chick-fil-A
DECA is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Chick-fil-A! The partnership will focus on connecting local Chick-fil-A Operators with DECA chapter advisors, DECA members and chartered associations

Introducing "DECA at the Bell" by BusinessU
DECA has partnered with BusinessU to create a new role-play prep series! “DECA At The Bell” is an interactive, video-based series. Each video features two hosts who take something going on in the world of business and relate it back to DECA performance indicators.

DECA Recognizes National Advisory Board Partners for Their Longtime Support
Congratulations to these outstanding National Advisory Board partners for reaching new milestones of service to DECA.

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 43rd Semi-Annual Survey of 7,000 U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 43rd semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 7,000 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 16.2 years.

Helping Students Find Hope and Discover a Successful Path Forward
Every day, teachers work tirelessly to encourage students who mention feeling disconnected from school or don’t find the curriculum materials useful or relevant. Schools are aiming to address this by providing students with more experiences to engage in real-world applications that help them tie their interests and skills to rewarding careers.

The #DECAATTProject Provides Creative Mentorship Opportunities
As the #DECAATTProject entered its seventh year, no one could have imagined the challenges the school year would present. But DECA members across the country sprang into action to really show us what it means to take DECA to the #NextLevel.

DECA and Piper Sandler Complete 42nd Semi-Annual Survey of 10,000+ U.S. Teens
DECA and Piper Sandler completed the 42nd semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey. This survey highlights discretionary spending trends and brand preferences from more than 10,000 teens across the U.S. with an average age of 15.8 years.