Your Post-ICDC Questions Answered

May 2, 2024

We hope you were able to experience the difference during DECA's International Career Development Conference!

Here are some answers to commonly asked post-ICDC questions:

Where will I find the overall results/winners' list?

You can find the overall finalists and top performers for each event in this article. It will include those who earned a medallion for top performance on exam and presentation components, overall finalists and top 10 performers by rank.

My event was sponsored. When can I expect my award check?

Once DECA processes all of the winners’ information, we will issue awards checks to the home address competitors provided during registration. Please allow six to eight weeks. If the event has a sponsored cash award and is a team event, the award is split among the team members.

How can I get my results?

The following items are available now through the student portal and online membership system. Learn how to access them in this article.

  • Certificate of Attendance (for all DECA members)
  • Award of Excellence Certificate (for all competitors earning a 70% and above from the preliminary competition; this is not on the overall transcript)
  • Performance Transcripts (for all competitors). The competitive event transcript reports students’ performance on each element of the competitive event.

Where can I find photos of the conference?

Our conference photographers work to capture as many members and special moments as possible. General conference photos can be found on Facebook and award recipient photos are available here.

Where can I find a press release to share our DECA success with the local media?

Download it here and be share and sure to tag @DECAInc once the story is published online. If your chapter has a unique story to share about your #DECAICDC experience, submit your story here and you could be featured on DECA Direct Online.

How can we order additional trophies?

DECA will provide a trophy for each team member in the following event categories with one to three participants:

  • Business Operations Research Events
  • Chapter Team Events
  • Entrepreneurship Events
  • Integrated Marketing Campaign Events
  • School-based Enterprise Events
  • Stock Market Game
  • Virtual Business Challenges

If the team was only a team of one, no action will be taken.

If the team was a team of two, DECA will send one additional trophy to the school address.

If the team was a team of three, DECA will send two additional trophies to the school address.

If the chapter wishes to purchase additional trophies (for chapter purposes, etc.), they can do so by contacting Awards Unlimited.

What is the 2024-2025 membership theme?

Check out this article to find out more about next year's membership theme: Be The One.

What are the topics for the 2024-2025 competitive events program?

Learn more about the draft topics in this article. Complete guidelines will be posted in the DECA Guide and on by July 1, 2024.

When and where is DECA ICDC in 2025?

Next year's DECA International Career Development Conference will be held from April 26-29, 2025, in Orlando, Florida. We hope you are able to join us! Check for more future dates and locations - just scroll to the bottom of the page.


Educational Conferences

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

Discussion Questions

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