2024 DECA Summer Bucket List

Jun 1, 2024

What happens between June and August now that ICDC is over? Summer is the perfect time to gain new experiences, take exciting opportunities and prepare for the 2024-2025 DECA year. Challenge yourself by checking off YOUR 2024 DECA Summer Bucket List!

1. Learn About Updates to DECA’s Competitive Events Program

Want to prep ahead for the 2024-2025 competition season? Read about this year’s Operations Research and Financial Consulting prompts and new events to forge your path to ICDC 2025 in Orlando, Florida. Take the initiative to break down prompts and events with your teammates and chapter to #BeTheOne. Find the DECA Direct article here.

2. Reach Out to Local Businesses

Explore opportunities near you by contacting local businesses in fields that interest you. Whether to get a summer job, internship or to broaden your professional network, working with local businesses can give you an advantage throughout your professional career. Not to mention that trying new things is always exciting.

3. Look Ahead to the 2024 DECA Emerging Leaders Summit

This July, DECA Association Officers and chapter leaders will expand their leadership skills and brainstorm ideas for their programs of leadership to prepare for their term. With a culture of enriching country music in Nashville, Tennessee, DECA’s emerging leaders will immerse themselves in an environment where marketing is at every turn. Learn more about DECA ELS here.

4. Design your DECA 2024-2025 Vision Board

Evaluate your goals for the 2024-2025 competition year. List smaller, attainable goals over larger ones to prevent burnout and ensure yearly success. Collaborate with friends and promote team-oriented tasks to make this year your best DECA year yet!

Check these items off your DECA Summer Bucket List and share your experiences on social media by tagging @HSDECAPresident.


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