Shawn Matthijetz served as a Collegiate DECA Vice President during the 2020-2021 school year.
Articles from
Shawn Matthijetz

5 Business and Leadership Books That Should Be on Your List
Throughout my academic career, I have found that a good book is hard to beat. I can honestly say that certain books have even changed my life—everything from basic tasks such as how I make my bed, to greater things like the way I think and process information.

A Quick Guide to Collegiate DECA Competitive Events
So, you've decided to compete in Collegiate DECA. Now what? What competitive events exist? How do you choose? We'll tackle these questions so that you can become a #NextLevel competitor!

Program of Leadership: Your Chapter's Master Plan
So your officer team has been elected and a new semester has begun. Now what?! While there are endless ways to organize your ideas and initiatives, this article will help you craft an attainable program of leadership.

A Quick Guide to Understanding Servant Leadership
The concept of leadership has been around since the days of Aristotle and Plato and has evolved countless times throughout the centuries. But in 1970, a new theory emerged. Developed by Robert Greenleaf, servant leadership is the idea that empowered leaders serve their followers and to enable them to live and work to their full potential.