Take Your Leadership Passport to the Next Level

Jan 13, 2021

Congratulations! You survived the first semester of this academic year. Your chapter is starting to thrive, you battled burnout, you participated during Engage, networked on One DECA calls and developed your skills through virtual Chapter Leader Training. Now, it's time to plan for your next semester and the rest of your Collegiate DECA experience this year.

Through DECA, we have many opportunities to develop professional skills. One of the best ways to show your professional growth is through the Leadership Passport Program. This year, your executive officer team has revamped the guidelines to fit both in-person and virtual environments and the "next level" theme. Check out these three tips to help you finish strong.

1. Plan, Plan, Plan!

The passport award is designed to reward members who demonstrate hard work throughout the entire year. This means trying to cram it all into one weekend will be challenging and sometimes even impossible. I highly recommend starting early and planning your year or semester with the Leadership Passport Program in mind.

2. Document and Take Photos

One of the hardest parts of the program is trying to remember what you did throughout the year. Let us face it, we are all busy and it's difficult to remember every DECA-related activity we've completed. Taking photos and reviewing them later will make sure you do not miss an item that you need to get a next-level award. The online applications also come with a "save and continue" feature, so you can even work on your application periodically throughout the year, then submit it at the end.

3. Review the Requirements and Set Goals

Even though there are chapter and individual options, it's best to consider both a team sport. Take some time as a chapter to read over the requirements and decide what level is right for you. Not only will it be easier to plan and complete activities, but you'll also have more fun! If you have questions or need help, reach out to your association or executive officer team.

I wish you all the very best and I look forward to seeing you step up to the challenge and get the recognition you deserve.


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